full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Cédric Villani: What's so sexy about math?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Mathematician — best job in the world. That's because of the applications: communication theory, information teohry, game theory, compressed sensing, mhiacne learning, gaprh analysis, harmonic ansiylas. And why not stochastic processes, linear programming, or fluid simulation? Each of these fields have monster indutrsial applications. And through them, there is big money in mathematics. And let me concede that when it comes to making money from the math, the armecains are by a long shot the world champions, with clever, emblematic billionaires and amazing, giant companies, all risetng, ultimately, on good algorithm.

Open Cloze

Mathematician — best job in the world. That's because of the applications: communication theory, information ______, game theory, compressed sensing, _______ learning, _____ analysis, harmonic ________. And why not stochastic processes, linear programming, or fluid simulation? Each of these fields have monster __________ applications. And through them, there is big money in mathematics. And let me concede that when it comes to making money from the math, the _________ are by a long shot the world champions, with clever, emblematic billionaires and amazing, giant companies, all _______, ultimately, on good algorithm.


  1. machine
  2. resting
  3. americans
  4. theory
  5. analysis
  6. industrial
  7. graph

Original Text

Mathematician — best job in the world. That's because of the applications: communication theory, information theory, game theory, compressed sensing, machine learning, graph analysis, harmonic analysis. And why not stochastic processes, linear programming, or fluid simulation? Each of these fields have monster industrial applications. And through them, there is big money in mathematics. And let me concede that when it comes to making money from the math, the Americans are by a long shot the world champions, with clever, emblematic billionaires and amazing, giant companies, all resting, ultimately, on good algorithm.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
person number 5
web pages 3
supreme goddess 2
random trajectories 2
digital marbles 2
institut henri 2

Important Words

  1. algorithm
  2. amazing
  3. americans
  4. analysis
  5. applications
  6. big
  7. billionaires
  8. champions
  9. clever
  10. communication
  11. companies
  12. compressed
  13. concede
  14. emblematic
  15. fields
  16. fluid
  17. game
  18. giant
  19. good
  20. graph
  21. harmonic
  22. industrial
  23. information
  24. job
  25. learning
  26. linear
  27. long
  28. machine
  29. making
  30. math
  31. mathematician
  32. mathematics
  33. money
  34. monster
  35. processes
  36. programming
  37. resting
  38. sensing
  39. shot
  40. simulation
  41. stochastic
  42. theory
  43. ultimately
  44. world